• Versioning data in a long term data store# Supporting existing systemic aspects

  • Discussion of the viability of modelling using a general programming language and having the discerning body access common interfaces, maybe compare with modelling in a modelled format. There is already this discussion in this knowledge base, i think a discussion more scoped to the viability of the interfaces is good. Play through some examples of modelling reality system components and having a imagined discerning body interpret them. Using the modelled modelling format is easier to conceptualise, maybe start with that

  • Make deserialiser not freak out when a field marked with NotRequired isnt present

  • Construct concept of general long term format which is then made to be complient with different long term stores such as json or tabular for example. Functions like getIntrinsicValueFromDictionaryRepresentation could take a compliance set arg or just be compliance set specific

  • Cleanup of the solution to overcome the initiation of the knownStoreInterfaces from the config store as the config store is being loaded, setting a state upon the loading functions seems nicer than passing data through all of the chains

  • Addition of mass data manipulation with delayed loading structure Potential performance bottlenecks Retrieving data from a long term store

  • debugging code that we dont want to occur at a full speed runtime, maybe layer them on with delta change system